YBell Neo Wins Women's Health Fitness Award For 2nd Consecutive Year

LONDON – 2022 - For the second consecutive year, YBell Fitness has earned a Women’s Health Fitness Award. Going again with a BANG! Recognizing YBell Neo again, Women's Health named the YBell Neo 4-Piece Starter Kit, which includes YBell XS 4.5kg and YBell S 6kg pairs, in the Strength Hero category.

These awards given by Woman's Health are intended to help athletes select their training equipment according to their goals. These awards are organized into categories: Strength Heroes, Cardio Breakers, Low-Impact Bigs, Accessories for Everyone, Outdoor Essentials, and Recovery Rules.

 "I was impressed with how functional these dumbbells were, thanks to their unique shape and ergonomic design," said Jacqueline Andriakos, director of health and fitness for Women's Health. "Depending on the handles you use, they work like standard dumbbells, a medicine ball, or a kettlebell. I'm excited about strength training every day from the comfort of my living room."

YBELL Awards

Let's not forget that YBell recently added two new lines. YBell Arc that comes in weights from 1.1kg to 2.5kg for those just starting out. It has a neoprene coating with a non-slip surface for a comfortable grip. Ideal for training alone or with friends, including Pilates, Barre, boot camp and cycling.

On the other hand, for heavier athletes and lifters, the YBell Pro Series offers weights from 14kg to 20kg, with lower weight designations coming later this year. Great for HIIT and HIRT, these cast iron tools are commercial-grade powder coated for long-lasting performance and durability.

We are very proud to once again add another award in recognition of the YBell's versatility and features that make it suitable for everyone from beginners to professional athletes. All this motivates us to continue working closely with YBell to allow users to perform more exercises with less equipment and with a wide range of physical abilities.


About YBell Fitness

YBell Fitness provides handheld 4-in-1 exercise products, education programs, and content that allow users to perform more functional exercises, with less equipment, more economically. The YBell replaces the need for several pieces of equipment with one multi-purpose tool that does it all. Easy to use, the YBell is accessible for everyone from elite sporting teams and trainers to home exercisers. Education and programming include online introductory workshops, coaching courses, and master trainer certifications, with exercise content available online and via the YBell App. With global HQ in Sydney, Australia, and offices in Beverly Hills, California, and Eindhoven, The Netherlands, the company sells its award-winning design, patented, and patent-pending products direct-to-consumer and via international distributors covering 53 countries, U.S. dealers, and regional retailers. YBell® is a registered trademark of YBell Group Pty Limited in the United States and other countries.

About Stronger Wellness

S7RONGERⓇ (pronounced Stronger) We are a British-born company who wants to put an end to boring gym spaces. Believing that that your body is the greatest gift you will ever own, we travel the world to find and test best-in-class products for own-brand product range, and we choose to distribute products on behalf of our brand partners iFit Freemotion, YBell, Pavigym and Hyperwear, world leaders in their own category. With more than 20 years experience, our ability to create unique workout spaces with a strong identity is one of the top three reasons our customers choose us. 

The 2022 Women’s Health Award joins a continually expanding roster, as the YBell gains additional recognition from a variety of expert organizations, including:

Men’s Health 2022 Home Gym Awards – Most Versatile Dumbbell Alternative

Women’s Running 2021 Best in Test – Tech Category

Women’s Health 2021 Fitness Award — Best Free Weights

Red Dot Design Award 2020 — Product Design

iF Design Award 2020 for Design Excellence — Outdoor, Sports & Leisure category

International Design Excellence Awards 2019 — Gold Winner, and

Australian Good Design Awards 2019 — Best in Class, Sport & Lifestyle


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